Your Account Information

Note: All the fields with * are mandatory.

A Telephone Number is required in case there are questions about your order.

Enter your 9 digit Aeroplan number.
Earn Aeroplan points on your purchases. Join today!

Important: Invoices and other essential communications from Vintages Shop Online will be sent to this e-mail address. It is therefore imperative that you setup your account using a functional email address. That is, an address on a server that will not filter and regard these communications as junk mail. We recommend you use a personal rather than a business email address.

Your Password

Your password must be at least 8 characters long and is case sensitive. Please use at least one numeric character as part of your password.

Your Secret Question/Answer

You will be asked for the answer to your secret question if you forget your password. Remember that it is case sensitive.

The personal information related to the creation and use of a Vintages Shop Online account is collected under the authority of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 15, Sch 21, Section 3 for the principal purposes of facilitating the processing, verification and delivery of orders, fraud prevention, issuing Aeroplan points (if applicable), and customer service. If you opt in to receive emails it will also be used for the purpose of providing you with personalized electronic communications and offers from the LCBO. Should you have any questions regarding the collection of this information, please contact the Senior FOI and Privacy Advisor, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office, 100 Queens Quay East, 9th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5E 0C7 , Telephone 416-864-2462, E-mail You may also visit the LCBO Privacy Policy for further details.

®Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aeroplan Inc., used under license.